Cross State Air Pollution

Originally posted on 

Back in 2012, I wrote about the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) and the impacts of pollution that traveled via wind from one state to another. It was a look at the effects of dirty air from “upwind” states on “downwind” states.

Now, 5 years later, a study released December 2017 by Muzhe Yang (Associate Professor in the Economics Department) and Shin-yi Chou (Professor of Economics) of Lehigh University has proven the validity of the “cross-state” air pollution premise. They have authored the paper, The Impact of Environmental Regulation on Fetal Health: Evidence from the Shutdown of a Coal-Fired Power Plant Located Upwind of New Jersey.

Ozone pollution, or smog, is carried by the wind. This pollution has decreased over time, in part thanks to mandates to reduce dangerous emissions. Yet, climate change exacerbates air pollution, as heat makes ozone pollution and smog worse. Increased heat waves that are expected to come with climate change could mean ozone pollution won’t fall as fast as it would under normal conditions.

The analysis of this study  examines a specific coal-fired power plant situated on the state borderline between Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

The facility in question was the Portland Generating Station, which was on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware River. Its shut down in 2014 had a major ramification for the downwind residents of New Jersey. Data revealed a 15 percent reduction in the numbers of low birth weight babies, and a decrease in the occurrence of preterm births by 28 percent.

The results emphasized potential accomplishments when the power of federal law, under the Clean Air Act, supersedes state regulatory directives.

The ruling from the EPA categorized the installation as “a sole pollution source” harming the air quality of New Jersey. The state counties included Warren, Sussex, Morris, and Hunterdon.

The research drilled down on a look at the pollution coming from plant eighteen months prior to its termination. It showed sulfur dioxide emissions at 2,596.648 tons monthly. In the same time span (eighteen months) after the closing, the emissions measured almost zero.

The information was collected from zip codes covering downwind areas within sixty miles of the plant.

Earlier in 2017, a related report by Yang and Chou, with two other writers, showed that infants born during 1990-2006 had a 6.5 percent greater risk of low birth weight and a 17.12 percent greater risk of a very low birth rate (less than 5.50 pounds). This applied to mothers residing within a twenty to thirty-mile radius.

To get an idea about the extent of the pollution that the Portland Generating Station was emitting — in 2006 it ranked number five in the nation for sulfur dioxide emissions. In 2009, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection released figures showing that the plant had spewed out a total of 30,465 tons of sulfur dioxide – which equaled over two times the annual sulfur dioxide emissions from all the “electricity-generating facilities in New Jersey combined.”

The creators of the reports believe that the EPA should be more proactive in taking individual states to task when their actions affect the health and well-being of their neighbors.

They also noted that when studies have been done to gauge the connection between public health and the Cross-State Air Pollution Rules, fetal health concerns have been overlooked. In light of the fact that there has been ongoing evidence to show that fetal health is a benchmark for outcomes in later life — from physical health to education and earnings — it seems like an obvious oversight.

And a refresher for those who don’t remember the actions of current EPA head, Scott Pruitt, back in 2011 when he was the Attorney General of Oklahoma…he sued the EPA over the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule.

The impacts of emissions from coal-fired power plants directly affect the fetal health of our babies. Please take a look at this WIND MAP and you can see how the children in your state share the air with other states.

Pure Air

It’s a simple question? What is the air in your home worth? A simple but frequently overlooked question. We have told you several times that the air in your home is 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air. So have you taken the precautions to ensure that you and your household are breathing pure air? Or maybe you don’t have forced air and need a way to filter the air in your home. Either way take a look at Austin Air.

Austin Air is a company that has a large range of air purifiers. But they don’t stop with just having air purifiers. Their air purifiers are second to none. Made in Buffalo, NY, Austin Air Purifiers is the only manufacturer to have products designated as Medical Grade Air Purifiers.

It doesn’t stop there though. They are the first choice for the government when they need to clean the air. Like after 9/11 their air purifiers were chosen to clear the air for the rescue workers. In addition to the rescue workers the residents surrounding chose them as well to pull up 99.97 % of pollutants from the dust and debris.

In order to take a look at the models and see which is better for your home, find more information here. They have junior units starting at 375 and standard units starting at 539. They come with a 5 year warranty and a 30 day money back guarantee.

How much is clean air worth to you and your family? This is just one option when it comes to clean air. Stay tuned for more.

Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice

It’s that time of year again. Where pumpkin spice rules the stores and if your going into town you automatically buy a coffee. Most of us are happy to see chilly weather come after a hot summer but there are some things that fall brings along that are not so pleasant.

Allergies are a big factor when going from summer to fall all over the US. The biggest contributor is ragweed. It is a flowering plant found all over North America. There are 17 different varieties of ragweed with varying different appearances and growth rates. With this year’s warm weather front continuing longer than we have expected it looks like ragweed is here to stay a little longer, according to AccuWeather.

When the regular fall season sets in we encourage everyone to change their air filters because the heaters will be on soon. But this year we recommend changing your filter because of the up swing in the pollen count. If you have a filter size ending in 1 in, we urge you to change your filter every 30 to 90 days. If you use our Tru Mini Pleat filters you could change them less often because of it’s unique design resulting in energy savings! If you opt for the Tru Mini Pleat we urge you to stick with the Merv 8 rating which is an equivalent to a Merv 12 in a regular pleated filter.

Changing your filter regularly is way more important than that pumpkin spice coffee your drinking right now. Don’t put off changing your filter because it will harm the air you breathe in your own home! So do yourself a favor and get some new air filters so that you and your family can breathe happier, breathe easier and breathe pure.

Behind the Scenes

In a world of online sales and businesses, who are we? Who is Nordic Pure? What do we do, why do we do it? What is our mission? This post will address all of that. We want you to trust us, just like the old local hardware stores in your community. So let us introduce ourselves.

Who is Nordic Pure?

We are a family owned company in Celina, Texas. Home of the Celina Bobcats. (Go Bobcats!) A small rural area with a lot of open land. Our owner decided to build his home and his business out here because of the great community and the chance for expansion in the ever growing area of North Texas. Our owner has had his hand in several industries, including lawn care, but he noticed that there weren’t a lot of great options for home air filters. So he did some research and found people who would join his team. Several of those people were family! We have expanded since that time in 2004. Our owner is a man named Russell Schmidt, he struck a deal with a couple in Tulsa, Oklahoma to help him assemble the filters using quality products in the sizes most needed. To this day we have approximately 70 people who assemble the filters, 10 people at headquarters, and 2 contractors. We are small but mighty; at headquarters we speak with all customers personally and at the factory they assemble filters by hand making sure quality is first. At this moment we are online only. We have been contacted by several national businesses wanting our product but none have worked out yet because we are unwilling to compromise on quality. We are ever expanding our area online with our website, Amazon and Ebay.

Why we do it?

We make air filters for people’s home. It isn’t super glamorous but we are really proud of what we do. We are a part of an industry dedicated to making the world a better place through education and quality products. We make quality filters so your family and ours can breathe better indoors. Which is what we call indoor air quality. There are a lot of things that can affect your indoor air quality; dust and minute particles, chemicals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are hazardous to inhale. Your indoor air can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air! That is a big deal to us. So we are making it our mission to draw more attention to indoor air pollution. We are worried about outdoor air pollution but we spend 90 % of our time indoors and if we are breathing in toxic air it will shorten our life span.

How you can help.

Educate yourselves first and foremost. Take a look at all awareness sites, for all human issues. Such issues are air pollution, indoor air pollution, water and so on. Take a look at the book Silent Spring which can show you the history on how we have affected our planet and how we can help it. Get your kids involved, show them how to care for our planet and others. We only have one planet.


Last but not least let us know if you have any questions about us or indoor air quality or what not. We want you to be educated and make the best decisions possible for you and your family. Hopefully we have showed you a little bit about us, let us know about you and your family!

The 4 Types of HVAC Jobs to Know About

Originally posted on Labor Finders, you can read the original post here.

With Labor Day on the way we wanted to look into all the different kinds of jobs in the HVAC industry. So here are 4, let us know what you think?


The HVAC jobs to know about

Between new construction, and the increasing need to upgrade or replace heating and cooling systems, HVAC jobs are in very high demand. If you’re interested in this career, here are four career options to know about.


In order for a heating, cooling, and ventilation system to work properly, it needs the right parts. That’s where a fabricator comes in.  In this HVAC job, workers assemble components such as ducts and their fittings using the measurements given to them by customers or contractors. These day laborers can use hand and power tools to cut, weld and shape sheet metal into these parts or work robotic machinery to get the job done. No matter how they create these components, people working in this HVAC job have to be able to work on multiple orders and meet their deadlines. To become a fabricator, you need accreditation from a trade school or a formal apprenticeship program.


As the most most common HVAC job, technicians do a lot of the hands on work when it comes to heaters and air conditioning units. These workers read and interpret blueprints to install and connect these systems to air ducts, water lines, and other critical components. Once installed, they may be called back to do inspections and run tests to make it’s working efficiently. In the event that it isn’t, HVAC techs are responsible for troubleshooting the problem and making the necessary repairs.


Another type of HVAC job to consider, especially if you’re looking to do something other than fabrication or maintenance is sales. You can use your expertise to help customers purchase the best HVAC system for their facility and budget. These salespeople can work in distribution plants and HVAC shops or travel to customers’ businesses and homes to do consultations. Other responsibilities may include gaining new customers, negotiating projects, and managing others. People working this HVAC job need to have great customer service skills, be familiar with various HVAC systems, and be a self-starter. As for formal education, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree.


If you’re more of a designer at heart, then this is the HVAC job for you. HVAC engineers are responsible for creating the plans that fabricators and installers use. They often work with teams that include the clients and technicians to create new HVAC systems for residential and commercial projects. This HVAC job may also call for the redesign of existing systems. Engineers can work for government agencies, equipment sales offices, or design firms. Workers who are successful in this line of work have usually have excellent problem solving skills and knows how to use CAD designing software. A bachelor’s degree in either HVAC engineering technology or mechanical engineering is required to get started in this HVAC job.

Have You Heard?

This was written by Tim Radford. It orginally posted at EcoWatch:

One of the world’s most famous climate scientists has just calculated the financial burden that tomorrow’s young citizens will face to keep the globe at a habitable temperature and contain global warming and climate change—a $535 trillion bill.

And much of that will go on expensive technologies engineered to suck 1,000 billion metric tons of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the air by the year 2100.

Of course, if humans started to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by six percent a year right now, the end of the century challenge would be to take 150 billion tonnes from the atmosphere, and most of this could be achieved simply by better forest and agricultural management, according to a new study in the journal Earth System Dynamics.

The study, authored by researchers from the U.S., France, China, the UK and Australia, rests on two arguments.

Slow start

One is that although the world’s nations vowed in Paris in 2015 to contain global warming by 2100 to “well below” 2°C relative to the average global temperatures for most of the planet’s history since the last Ice Age, concerted international action has been slow to start. One nation—the U.S.—has already announced that it will withdraw from the Paris agreement.

The other argument is that, even if humans do in the decades to come rise to the challenge, it could be too late: by then greenhouse gas concentrations could have reached a level in the atmosphere that would in the long run condemn the world to sea level rises of several meters, and a succession of economic and humanitarian disasters.

“Continued high fossil fuel emissions would saddle young people with a massive, expensive cleanup problem and growing deleterious climate impacts, which should provide incentive and obligation for governments to alter energy policies without further delay,” said professor James Hansen, of the Columbia University Earth Institute, who led the study.

Hansen, as director of NASA’s Institute for Space Studies, made global headlines in 1988, during a severe drought and heatwave on the North American continent, when he told a Washington senate committee, “It’s time to stop waffling so much and say the evidence is pretty strong that the greenhouse effect is here.”

Legal testimony

With that one sentence, he made climate science an enduring item on the political agenda. But the latest study is also part of a legal argument. It is, in effect, testimony in the lawsuit Juliana v. U.S.

This case began under the last U.S. administration. However, the U.S. President Donald Trump, who has dismissed the evidence of climate change as a “hoax,” has now been named in the case.

Hansen has argued that even the ambitions of the historic Paris agreement will not be enough to avert disaster and displacement for millions. The benchmark for geologically recent warming levels was set 115,000 years ago, during a period between two Ice Ages, known to geologists as the Eemian.

“We show that a target of limiting global warming to no more than +2°C relative to pre-industrial levels is not sufficient, as +2°C would be warmer than the Eemian period, when sea level reached plus 6-9 meters relative to today,” Hansen said.

Lower CO2

At the heart of such arguments are calculations about imponderables that climatologists like to call the carbon budget and climate sensitivity. The first of these concerns the terrestrial and oceanic processes that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and then absorb them, and the second is a calculation about what a change in carbon dioxide levels really means for average global temperatures.

For most of human history, CO2 levels were around 280 parts per million. In the last two years they have reached 400 ppm, as a response to two centuries of fossil fuel combustion, and average global temperatures have risen by almost 1°C, with a record reading in 2016 of 1.3°C.

Hansen and his colleagues want to see these atmospheric CO2 levels lowered to 350 ppm, to bring global temperature rise down to no more than a rise of 1°C later this century.

If the world’s nations can co-operate to do that, then most of the hard work to remove the carbon dioxide surplus from the air could be left to the world’s great forests.

However, if carbon emissions go on growing at two percent a year (and during this century, they have grown faster), then those who are children now would have to commit to a costly technological answer based on the belief that carbon dioxide can be captured, compressed and stored deep underground.

Nobody knows how to do this on any significant scale. And if it could be done, it would be expensive: an estimated $535 trillion.

“It is apparent that governments are leaving this problem on the shoulders of young people. This will not be easy or inexpensive,” said Hansen.

“We wanted to quantify the burden that is being left for young people, to support not only the legal case against the U.S. government, but also many other cases that can be brought against other governments.”

Are You 1 of the 67 Million?

What do you know about pollen? That it makes you sneeze? There is so much more about pollen that you might not know and some that you will but all of it will help you combat it.

Pollen is one of the most common allergens in the US. So common that 81% of 67 million suffer specifically from pollen. But did you know there are two kinds of pollen?

Pollen isn’t just simply pollen. There are two kinds. Before it was agitating people all over it was fertilizing plants. It is why we have beautiful blooms. How does it do this; two ways. Lightweight pollen like trees, grasses and weeds are airborne by the wind. The second is heavy pollen which is only transported by insects; to plants like flowers. The lightweight pollen is the one we are all allergic to. There is a myth that plants like goldenrod and sunflower have the lightweight pollen but this is false. What is the point of all this if we don’t know what it does to us?

Well luckily we do. Because pollen is transferred by the wind it normally enters the body via the nose and the throat. When trees, grasses and weeds create pollen it often causes hay fever and then will irritate your sinus passages, eyes and skin resulting in rhinitis. It will often aggravate asthma symptoms as well. The pollen allergy symptoms will include sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, watery eyes, itchy throat and eyes and wheezing. So what can you do about it?

You can take medication of coarse and probably should but first and foremost what you should do is find out which pollen you are allergic to. When you find that out you will then know the season in which your allergies are worst. Different pollen is released at different times throughout the year. The best defense is a good offense. So get tested and then head on over to to see what pollen is the worst in your area and to set up a plan to battle it. Get alerts when pollen counts are high and when you need to spend most times inside. If you have to be outside during high pollen times take your medication and then immediately shower and wash your clothes to remove the pollen from your skin. Depending on the time of year whether you are using your heater or your air condition make sure you are changing your air filter out regularly to remove any from your environment, try these.

The best is to plan and prepare instead of fighting while it is happening to you. For the information from this blog check out and these 2 sites.

For The Ultimate Sacrifice

This Memorial Day, it isn’t a sale to us like it is for everyone else.

It is a day that we remember the men and women who never made it home.

A day to remember the millions of mamas and daddy’s who lost children.

A day to remember the ones without a grave site.

Remembrance of what the sacrifice is to protect our nation.

To remember that because of those who gave their life we can freely live ours.

A remembrance of the price for freedom.

A memorial for the ultimate sacrifice; for your ultimate sacrifice.

Your family at Nordic Pure honors, respects and thanks you.